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WCBTour Membership
Video exposure
Points system ranking for all members
the Members that are in the top 12 places after Heritage Traditional will be invited to the Tour Championship in August
Top 20 will be involved in the annual Gallaugher Cup
More benefits to be released by contacting WCBT
Best 3 out of 5 tournament points count for final standings 2023-2024 Season
$120 Entry Fee (payable before qualifying shift at a Tour event or online)
Participate in 2 or more Tour Events (to be eligible for the Tour Championship)
Participate in Video Exposure of 5-Pin Bowling
More requirements to be released by contacting WCBT
Canadian 5 Pin Bowling Association rules will be followed unless stipulated by the WCBT or the host tournament.
Ruling for WCBT affiliated events in regards to WCBT points and awards
Due to the Western Canadian Bowling Tour promoting the professional side of 5 Pin Bowling, a ruling was made in regards to the use of bowling aids. Examples of these aids are listed:
Mechanical Wrist guards
The Bowling Stick
Bowling Ramps
Gutter Bumpers
Bowling aids are not eligible for WCBT points and awards unless it is due to Medical issues. See note below:
Medical Aids due to injury are allowed to be used in competition for WCBT points and awards including joint, muscle and stabilization support as long as it is not an extension of the body
Exception is missing limb and/or amputation aids and these aids will be ruled on by the governing body of the WCBT on a case by case basis and will need to be brought to their attention 2 weeks prior to a WCBT affiliated event.
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